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Friday, June 26, 2009

Join Us Now

Join the Red Fire Hawks Thunder

1.Do you want to become A RFHT?
2.Do you have an Army you quit,what rank?
3.Do you Ever be loyal to the army

Pls Add this In your comment

Yo its Jj and Cerenado Said

1.Do you want to become A RFHT?Yes
2.Do you have an Army you quit,what rank?CPSW General
3.Do you Ever be loyal to the army Yes



  1. 1.Do you want to become A RFHT?Yes
    2.Do you have an Army you quit,what rank?CPSW Captain
    3.Do you Ever be loyal to the army?yes

  2. 1.Do you want to become A RFHT?Yes
    2.Do you have an Army you quit,what rank?None
    3.Do you Ever be loyal to the army?yes
