What the i read his blog a while ago here is his message
Well my parents are kinda mad I need to find a back up authors to control the site if needed. Oh yeah anyway we still need people to join.
So yes I may retire POSTING and this maybe the last post I mean my parents say it's dangerous when people barely visit my blog. I think it's safe it's not like I post bad things.
I will salute my hand to the following that may be authors if I retire posting:
1. Cerenado - Great friend
2. Wacky Flip8 - Helpful along the way
3. Goldmanager - ???
~ Narutoj11
wow its hard to have a friend that will quit his blog but i will become an author
If more people join than my parents will maybe continue blogging. So I need more recruits, but still I need a back-up blog person just in-case.